Lightweight Kayaks & Surfskis | Nordic Kayaks USA

demo opportunities

Try before you buy!

Nordic Kayaks USA is headquartered in The Columbia River Gorge, WA. We  offer free Demo Events, and Private Demo Sessions.

FREE Demo Opportunities

We host Demo Days here in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge (Spring, Summer & Fall).
We also attend many local races, as well as regular opportunities like Thursday Night Hatch Laps and Wednesday Small Boats Training Sessions (May – September).

For a private demo, please scroll down for the booking sheet.

Private Demo Request

We run personal demo’s on Wednesdays and Saturdays at Home Valley, WA, unless otherwise arranged. 
By filling out this request form you acknowledge that you meet the required safety standards (you can remount your ski in any conditions, and are in good physical condition with no known reason not to partake in physical activity).
Please note that there is a $100 charge for a private demo, reimbursed with a boat purchase.

Schedule Appointment

Choose an available time below. A member of our team will be in touch.