Lightweight Kayaks & Surfskis | Nordic Kayaks USA


Welcome to the Nordic Kayaks Blog. We will post articles about our surfskis and kayaks, our thoughts on training, and other topics including Latest Paddling News.

New Dealer Intro – Pacific North Sports

Training Tip: Intensity Measures

In competitive paddling, improvement is all about data. Discover how metrics like heart rate, stroke rate, and power can elevate your training and fine-tune your performance. Ready to take your paddling game to the next level? Dive into our expert tips and structured training programs!

Welcome Jeff Schnelle of Paddle Dynamics: Our New Nordic Kayaks USA Dealer

Welcome Paddle Dynamics, our newest Nordic Kayaks USA dealer! With a rich history in various paddling disciplines, Jeff Schnelle and his team bring unmatched expertise and passion to the paddling community. Join us in celebrating this exciting partnership and discover what Paddle Dynamics has to offer!

How to Choose a Surfski: The Ultimate Guide for Fitness Enthusiasts

Whether you're a seasoned paddler or a curious beginner, choosing the right surfski can be a game-changer for your fitness journey. With options ranging from stable beginner models to advanced designs that challenge your limits, this ultimate guide will help you find the perfect fit.

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